Public - Ver1.3.2g Release

Greeting, I'm kadzu.

I apologize for the three month delay in posting an update. I've spent a lot of time working on all three systems in those three months, and now I'm finally able to show them off in a better state.

Ver1.3.2 updated info

  • Added new plot
  • Added new CG (CG not yet finished, will be updated in 1.4)
  • Added new Systems (Hunting/Quests/Battle)
  • Added new BGM
  • Fixed the issue that CG illustrations in memories could not be viewed
  • Adjusted unlock conditions for some plots and CGs
  • Adjusted some values
  • Fixed some typos and grammar
  • Fixed some other problems that existed

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the fact that I updated the SDK with the renpy update, the mobile android version will not be updated with the original version, but rather a new app will be installed. Therefore, the archives from 1.2 and previous versions will not be available for 1.3, and you will need to replay 1.3. The pc version is unaffected and still inherits the previous version's archives.

Also the third CG in Memories has been changed to show only one type of CG, and there will be no more Hart's Stone replay.




Ver1.3.2 更新内容

  • 添加了新的剧情
  • 添加了新的CG(CG尚未完成,将在1.4中更新)
  • 添加了新的系统(狩猎/任务/对战)
  • 添加了新的BGM
  • 修正了回忆中CG插图无法查看的问题
  • 调整了部分剧情和CG的解锁条件
  • 调整了部分数值
  • 修正了部分错字和语法错误
  • 修正了一些存在的其他问题



Get Unknown Code Extra v1.32g


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Wonder if anyone has made a guide for this. I can never get the CG's